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So you want to brand yourself as a self-portrait photographer, but you don’t know how. You are in the right place because I was once like you. And trust me, I know the feeling. I know it is scary to think that no one will ever take you seriously in terms of working with you since your job is to take pictures of yourself. But funny enough, that is not true at all. You, as a self-portrait photographer, bring a lot to the table. You make the work of hiring a model, a production team, and a photographer a lot easier for brands. Don’t ever sell yourself short; you are a gem. I know you are wondering; if that’s the case, how will you be able to brand yourself with all those unique selling points? Well, let me tell you how by providing you with this 5-step branding guide for self-portrait photographers.
1. Identify Your Niche
Sure, you might already have an idea, and you are probably thinking, “Well, I already have a niche, and it is self-portrait photography.” The truth is, you do, but it is too broad. Try narrowing it down a little bit more. Figure out if you are into creative portraits, fashion shots, or maybe minimalist vibes. Find what lights you up, and focus your energy there. So take your time and decide what you really want.
2. Know Your Audience Through Research
Now it is time to learn about your target market. Who are they? What do they do? What do they like? Dive into some research and get to know them like your best friend. This requires a lot of analytical skill. If you have a means of working with a professional through this step, then do so. If you are struggling with where to get started, it is simple. Use AI as a starting point and build up from there with factual data by analyzing your market and competitors. It is a process that can make or break your brand, so take your time.
3. Get A Brand Identity
This is where you get to show off your personality. Pick a name, design a logo, choose some colors that speak to you, and find your voice. These things are mostly useful for your brand. It is like a brand ID card, so craft it properly. Remember, what makes your brand is what people are saying about you. Make sure your brand feels like you, and don’t be afraid to let your uniqueness shine through.
4. Create A Strategy
What are your goals? Are you selling products, offering services, or wanting to become an expert in your field? Get clear on what you want. Highlight what sets you apart from the crowd. It can be the little things; once they sell, use them. Map out how you’re going to get there and think of ways to put yourself out there.
5. Promote Yourself
Let’s spread the word, shall we? Get yourself a website, start a blog, and hop on social media. Share content that shows off your skills and personality. Collaborate with others in your niche, and don’t be shy about promoting yourself. The more you put yourself out there, the faster you’ll grow. There are so many ways to do this. Find what works best for you and run with it.
Now that you have learned how to brand yourself as a self-portrait photographer, it is time to apply it. If you are wondering about ways to make money as a self-portrait photographer, check out my 20 ways to make money as a self-portrait photographer post. Trust me, there are no limits.
So, what are you waiting for? Build your brand and show the world what you’ve got.
Drop a comment below and let us know how you’re planning to brand yourself. We’d love to know.